Introduction- In Darkness Be the Light

In tumultuous times when external circumstances trigger us into upset, it is tempting to let our minds run away into fearful thoughts and worst-case scenarios. When these upsetting thoughts overtake our attention, they can remove us from presence, from peace, from the here and now. If left unchecked fearful thoughts turn into fearful living, and our reactions can create some form of suffering.

In this time of a changing climate and much consistent upheaval in the “outer world” many people are experiencing a great deal of upset and disturbance. Jennifer McKeown, spiritual teacher and counselor, experienced this first hand as client after client call to schedule extra appointments and to seek Jennifer's guidance as to how to handle their upsets in healthy ways.

How do we abide in peace in times of chaos and despair? How do we respond from the heart? Whether you have been on a spiritual path for years, or are just beginning a conscious journey, Jennifer's teachings will guide you, and clarify the essential practices that help us to feel less run by a changing world.

Listen now to Jennifer's free course - Eyes Wide Open Peace In The Heart. In this 4 part course Jennifer introduces us to the knowledge, and the simple practices, essential to maintaining equanimity in our daily walk through life. As in all of her teachings, Jennifer offers the strategies that help us to prevent our upsets from dominating our inner state. These practices come from Jennifer's 40 years of study and practice. For many people it seems contradictory to be able to maintain peace when upsets arise, but that is exactly what these teachings offer us.

This course was originally recorded in 2016. It has been made free and accessible to all.

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